Our talented team has recently received some well-deserved recognition. From promotions to awards to starting pursuit of a Master’s Degree, we are proud of our Trivers family.
Architectural Designer Rylie Davis is departing Trivers to pursue her Master of Architecture degree at Rice University. Rylie first joined Trivers as a 2017 CityStudioSTL Fellow from Washington University, and was subsequently hired as an Architectural Designer immediately following her fellowship. We congratulate Rylie on her acceptance and wish her the best!
Architectural Designer Amanda McAllister has been named the firm’s Sustainability Coordinator. In addition to leading our Green Team for in-office sustainability efforts, she will serve as a sustainability consultant for projects throughout the firm.
In May, Architectural Designer Hallie Nolan was awarded the Alpha Rho Chi Medal from Washington University. This award recognizes a graduating student for their demonstration of leadership and service and their potential impact on the future of the profession.
Frank Rosario recently transitioned from his role of Project Manager to our first ever Technical Manager. Frank will consult on projects throughout the firm, lending his technical expertise to all stages of project development.
Associate + Project Manager James Roseberry was selected to join the Planning Group for the Building Green Small Firm Sustainable Design Leaders Peer Network. He attended the inaugural Small Firm Sustainable Design Leaders Summit at the 2019 AIA Convention on Architecture in Las Vegas.