Principal Amy Gilbertson received her LEED Green Associate certification in August. Amy is the first of a group of Trivers employees currently obtaining their LEED GA certification.
Amy was also chosen to join the University of Michigan Taubman College Alumni Council. One of her first engagements as a board member will be joining a panel and webinar entitled “Recruiting and Retention Strategy: Building Success Stories.”
Architectural Designer Hallie Nolan was accepted into FOCUS St. Louis Emerging Leaders Class of Fall 2019. FOCUS St. Louis Emerging Leaders is a program dedicated to cultivating the next generation of civic and professional leaders through development of personal, professional, and civic leadership skills.
Architectural Designer Amanda McAllister passed her last ARE exam to become a licensed architect in the state of Missouri.
Several members of our staff hold teaching positions at the Sam Fox School of Art & Design this semester. Both Project Architect Shaun Dodson and Associate | Project Architect Ross Welch are teaching Building Systems, while Architectural Designer Hallie Nolan is teaching the graduate thesis course Design Thinking.
Project Architect Maggie Hayden recently earned her certification as a Fitwel Ambassador. With this certification, Maggie joins an international group of professionals with expert knowledge in navigating the Fitwel Certification process. The principles of this program emphasize active design and the elements that make structures healthier for their inhabitants.
Project Architect Samantha Gray is also spearheading the Trivers internal BIM Coordinator role. In addition to her project focus, Sam will lead the firm in managing templates and standards for accessibility and sustainability.
Principal Joel Fuoss will return to his alma mater University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign School of Architecture to act as visiting critic for mid-year and year-end reviews.
Marketing Assistant Amy Ricketts was recently confirmed Marketing Chair for the board of Friends of St. Louis Public Schools, a young professionals’ group that supports programs and initiatives that positively impact students, families, and faculty in the District.