In 2017 we proudly signed the AIA’s 2030 Commitment; a challenge to “transform the practice of architecture in a way that is holistic, firm-wide, project based, and data-driven” to combat the effects of climate change. As we considered ways to cement our commitment throughout the firm, we found it essential that our entire design staff be proficient in sustainable design, construction, and operations standards. Therefore, we set a goal: all of our design staff, who were not already LEED AP or LEED with specialty, would earn LEED Green Associate certification by December 1, 2019.
This effort was no small undertaking. Throughout the last several months our staff have been studying and taking exams in addition to their regular schedules. In October the firm hosted a full day LEED Green Associate prep course for those who wanted a concentrated time to study, and the certifications began rolling in after that. We took time to acknowledge the individual accomplishments of each person to pass the exam and encourage those who were still studying to reach our goal.
We can proudly say that as we enter 2020, we’ve reached our goal. All required designers are certified LEED Green Associates or have a more advanced specialty. We celebrate this accomplishment and its significance not only to our commitment to our planet and our clients, but also in our commitment to the professional growth and development of our people.